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Crisis as an opportunity: JKU BUS constitutes a corona expert for the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB)

Elke Schüßler is part of the current corona research of the VHB experts initiative.

The German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) has started a corona research experts initiative and has compiled a list of scholars from German-speaking universities that contribute important expert knowledge for the handling of the coronavirus crisis. Elke Schüßler, head of the Institute of Organization Science, is listed as one of the experts because of her research on crisis events as an opportunity for organizational and institutional change. Most recently, she examined the impact of the Rana Plaza disaster on the improvement of labour standards in the global garment industry, asking questions such as: How long collective attention to the problems underlying a crisis can be maintained, Which mechanisms drive organisational or institutional changes in the face of a crisis, What are the difficulties and problems involved and How sustainable are the changes triggered by a crisis?

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