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Garment Supply Chain Governance Project publishes final report

With the formal end of the Garment Supply Chain Governance Project, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster in June 2019, the international research team led by Elke Schüßler (Institute of Organization Science) has summarized the main results from a vast data collection and analysis effort in five countries in a final stakeholder report, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. The research has led to the following conclusion: "Rana Plaza and the resulting public attention to building safety and worker standards in global garment supply chains has led to an enhanced climate for compliance, manifested in a range of new governance models – most importantly the Accord and Alliance initiatives and more longer-term, stable buyer-supplier relationships that have contributed to improved worker outcomes in some respects. These developments are direct responses to an unprecedented human disaster in the global garment industry which has triggered a positive collective response but not a systemic change towards more sustainable garment production. In fact, our results indicate the fragility of these gains, shedding light on the continued systemic challenges to sustainable labour standards faced by lead firms and suppliers alike." The project team hopes that the extensive data we generated on lead firms' policies and practices, on supplier factory managers as well as on workers in Bangladesh will inspire further policy action by various stakeholders to develop effective governance solutions for the millions of workers who depend on the garment industry for their livelihoods.