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High Impact Research Call

The Business School's announcement for the first Call for High Impact Research Proposals was published on March 18th. The program will provide seed money for further developing interdisciplinary high impact basic research in management relevant areas. Submissions were accepted in the categories "Seed Projects" and "Co-Funding Projects". 8 applications were recieved and have now been evaluated and ranked by an external committee of experts appointed by the Vice-Rector for Research, Gender and Diversity. Scientific quality of the proposal, and team quality, including academic independence of PIs, were the main selection criteria.

The following are the selected proposals:

  • DIPE: Closing the Gaps – Diversity in Programming Education, Projektleiterin: Iris Groher
  • Destiny: Design Thinking for Cyber-Physical Production Systems, Projektleiter: Udo Kannengiesser
  • COVRES: Health Care Organizations’ Resilience in the Covid-19 Crisis: A Multi-Level, Projektleiter: Georg Reischauer & Bernd Lamprecht
  • OPTIM-AI: Hybridization of Optimization and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Managerial Decision Making, Projektleiter: Markus Sinnl
  • ReSVaFF: Religious and Secular Values in Family Firms and Managerial Decisions, Projektleiter: Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller & Helmut Pernsteiner

We are delighted to have received so many excellent projects for the Business School and wish all of the selected projects the best of success.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: BUS Seed Projekte