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LIT Project RuMorS – Runtime Monitoring for Software-Intensive Systems

Wirtschaftsinformatik – Software Engineering

The domain of software-intensive systems in general and Cyber-Physical Systems in particular has drawn considerable attention from both industry and academia. Due to the interplay of a vast number of different components with hardware and human actors, operating Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Production Systems and ensuring their safe behavior at runtime is a non-trivial task.

The goal of the project is to develop a software-based framework to aid engineers in managing relevant information regarding system behavior; creating monitors in order to observe and ensure the correct and safe behavior; and describing expected human behavior that can be monitored.

The RuMorS project is funded by the Linz Institute of Technology and is located at the Department of Department of Business Informatics – Software Engineering.

Downloads & Links

  • https://se.jku.at/rumors