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New Publication in Nature Electronics

"PROMOTING TRUST IN SELF-DRIVING VEHICLES" by Prof. Cristina Olaveri-Monreal (Chair, ITS-Sustainable Transport Logistics 4.0.)

The majority of autonomous vehicles currently in operation are used in controlled environments in which the operators are familiar with the vehicles and the way they function. Human-machine interaction is therefore predictable.

However, the initial existence of driverless vehicles on the roads will be surprising for many and could present unexpected situations and reactions from other road users that would jeopardize road safety.  Therefore, it is crucial to assess this risk by evaluating and anticipating the actions of the different actors in the system and determine the rules for their co-existence.

To understand the interaction of vehicles operating with full driving automation and vulnerable road users (VRU), the paper "Promoting trust in self-driving vehicles", published in Nature Electronics, presents several field tests that were performed to collect and analyze the resulting data.

For more information, read the article, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster and Behind the Paper, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cristina Olaverri-Monreal

