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PLAYING WITH METHOD III: ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS – 11.2.2021 | 5–7pm | online event

Judith Igelsböck (Institut für Organisation, JKU Linz) & Friedrich Kirschner (HFS ‚Ernst Busch‘, Berlin) present and discuss the participatory performance ‚ENACTING INNOVATION’ in the online lecture series 'PLAYING WITH METHOD - GAME DESIGN AS ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster‘ organized by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology of the Humboldt University Berlin. 

Enacting Innovation was featured in the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (September 2020). It is inspired by social scientific research on ‘innovation scripts’ – the recipes followed in dealing with the pressure to prove innovative ability in contemporary organizational life.