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The stress potential of an organizational climate of innovation

Together with colleague René Riedl (JKU and FH Oberösterreich), Thomas Fischer from the Institute for Digital Business recently published the results of a large scale survey study (N = 1,115) conducted amongst employees in Germany on the stress potential of an organizational climate of innovation. Results were published in the journal “Behaviour and Information Technology”.

Together with colleague René Riedl (JKU and FH Oberösterreich), Thomas Fischer from the Institute for Digital Business recently published the results of a large scale survey study (N = 1,115) conducted amongst employees in Germany on the stress potential of an organizational climate of innovation. They found that while having a climate of innovation, which is characterized by an openness for new ideas and mutual support amongst colleagues has many positive effects (e.g., increased job satisfaction) it can also have downsides. In particular, they found that side effects of regular technological innovations within an organization can be increased perceptions of uncertainty (e.g., constant need to keep up with technological developments), which can in turn sour the impression of the reliability of new technologies. The results of the study are available as an open-access article in the journal “Behaviour and Information Technology”.