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VHB Prodok Course Managing Interorganizational Relations

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Elke Schüßler (Institute of Organization Science) together with Jörg Sydow is once again offering the doctoral seminar "Managing Interorganizational Relations - Process Views, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster" as part of the VHB-ProDok, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster support programme for PhD students in business studies. The course exposes students to advanced theories of organization with a particular focus on process perspectives on the management of interorganizational relations. While interorganizational relations are often studied from a rather static, network-analytical perspective or with a focus on bilateral ties, this doctoral seminar is geared towards students that are interested in the practices and processes of managing interorganizational relations, in particular those of a collaborative nature, whether in the context of strategic alliances, project and innovation networks, global production networks or multi-stakeholder partnerships for addressing grand social challenges. Registration is open until July 24, 2022.