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Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven Decision Making

Christoph G. Schuetz, Institute of Business Informatics – Data & Knowledge Engineering, co-organizes Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven Decision Making

Christoph G. Schuetz, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, assistant professor at the Institute of Business Informatics – Data & Knowledge Engineering (WIN-DKE), co-organizes the Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Meets Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven Decision Making as part of the traditional International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER).

Conference and workshop are to be held November 3-6, 2020 as a virtual event.

The workshop aims to foster discussion on the application of conceptual modeling for ensuring effective application of AI methods for data-driven decision making.

Registration, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster is free of charge for anyone who is interested!