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How competition started to exist

"Die Presse" reports on the research project "SPACE", in which the idea and the effects of competition are examined in an interdisciplinary manner.


Stephan Pühringer interviewed by the science blog of UNIKO

Economy is all about competition. What is competition in the 21st century? A research project of the University of Linz addresses this question.


Strategies against economic polarization in Europa

Ten proposals by Jakob Kapeller, Claudius Gräbner and Philipp Heimberger in the magazin "Makronom".


Blog-Article: Italy vs. EU Commission

Blog article by Philipp Heimberger: Why a deficit procedure would be counterproductive and Italy needs more economic policy leeway.


How can the climate crisis be tackled?

Falter reports: Five intellectuals - including Jakob Kapeller - discuss the solution of the climate crisis with hundreds of guests.


The danger of "nonsense output gaps"

Article in "Financial Times" referring to Philipp Heimberger (2016): Which role do „nonsense output gaps“ play?


Shed light on the world of Austrian's super rich

Article in the blog Arbeit&Wirtschaft refers to research by Benjamin Ferschli, Jakob Kapeller, Schütz and Wildauer (2017).


The EU must rationalise its rules on national deficits

Article in the Financial Times referring to Philipp Heimberger und Jakob Kapeller (2016): The Performativity of Potential Output


What role does the "nonsense output gap" play?

Article by Philipp Heimberger in "Makronom"