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[Translate to Englisch:] pühringer

How our understanding of the economy hinders change

Stephan Pühringer interviewed by scilog, the magazine of the Austrian Science Funds FWF


Awards ceremony

Stephan Pühringer Presented with a START Award

Congratulations, Stephan, on winning this prestigious award!

[Translate to Englisch:] call for papers

Call For Papers: 12th Young Economists Conference 2023 - Funding the Welfare State and Social Infrastructure

The conference is based on the welfare state and related topics. Please submit your paper abstract until July 10, 2023.

[Translate to Englisch:] oeaw

ICAE researchers win ÖAW Doc-Team scholarship

Congratulations to Theresa Hager and Laura Porak on receiving the Doc Team grant!

[Translate to Englisch:] value

Workshop on "Value and Valuation"

Workshop on 26-27 September 2023 in Berlin about the concepts of value and valuation in Social Sciences.

[Translate to Englisch:] netzwerk

Theresa Hager and Stephan Pühringer in the Arbeit&Wirtschaft magazine

In the web of the Super-rich - On the influence of billionares and neoliberal think tanks

[Translate to Englisch:] buch

Degrowth and capitalism: a contradiction?

Stephan Pühringer and Carina Altreiter write about the poor conditions for socio-critical research

[Translate to Englisch:] call for papers

Call For Papers: Value and Valuation

In this workshop we aim to discuss the topic of value and valuation from different perspectives. Please submit your paper abstract until 31st March…

[Translate to Englisch:] NuWiss

Precarious science: why universities need to be reformed

Interview by mosaik blog with Stephan Pühringer from the "Netzwerk Unterbau Wissenschaft". The network works towards democratization of universities.