Mag. Dr. Alexander Linsbichler, MA (principal investigator)
Em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Reinhard Neck (Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt)
Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss, PhD, lic. oec. HSG, ML, MAE, MEUrASC
1 predoc position is advertised right now.. Job posting see below.
Prospected project duration: 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2027
Short decription of the project
Carl Menger (1840-1921) features prominently in contemporary political and academic controversies about monetary policy. Menger’s view on the origin of money is invoked in fierce debates about the proper roles of states and central banks regarding the most beneficial monetary systems. As the examples of crypto assets and of MMT illustrate, diverging assessments of the epistemological strength of Menger’s theory are thought to imply diverging normative standpoints on the desirable actions of monetary authorities in the 21st century. The recent recollection of Mengerian economics (Latzer & Schmitz 2002, White 2023, Sielska et al. 2023), its historical and anthropological critics (Wray 2015, Graeber 2011), and separate novel alternatives (Heinsohn & Steiger 2008) all fruitfully contribute to the understanding of some intricate theoretical and practical problems. Yet, in at least three crucial respects our project will address shortcomings and lacunae of the current state of research.
Contemporary debates on monetary policy invoke descriptive accounts of the origin of money to justify normative conclusions. Menger's theory of the origin of money is contested due to purportedly contradicting historical evidence. We address three crucial shortcomings of the current state of research: 1) Instead of neglecting the last three decades of Menger's life, we update his account of money using novel archival material. 2) The relation between Menger's explanations and the historical evidence is nontrivial and precarious. We employ the conceptual toolbox of contemporary philosophy of science ("how-possible-explanations" in particular) to provide a more nuanced, more adequate appraisal of the controversy. 3) Logically problematic inferences from a descriptive theory to normative conclusions seem to be drawn on both sides of the debate. Focusing on the regulation of crypto assets and on Modern Monetary Theory, we critically analyze such arguments and assess what, if anything, the origin of money implies for monetary policy.
Job posting
2-3 years predoc position (30h per week)
Deadline for applications: 30.09.2024
You can apply here:, opens an external URL in a new window
Start date: 01.01.2025 (or as soon as possible after that)
End date: 31.12.2026
Possible extension to 31.12.2027 (with 30-40 hours per week)
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Contact: alexander.linsbichler(at)
Subject to change.