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Institut für Mathematische Methoden in Medizin und Datenbasierter Modellierung
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Edwin's scientific community services.

Programm committee


Editorial board



Keynotes, Committee Membership, Reviewing

  • Reviewer for the Journals (at least 3 papers) IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (5 Year IF 2016: 8.29), Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2.78), Evolving Systems (1.8), IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (former SMC-B, 7.68), Pattern Recognition (Letters) (4.99), Pattern Analysis and Applications (1.36), Information Sciences (4.73), Information Fusion (5.78), Expert Systems with Applications (3.53), Knowledge-Based Systems (4.51), Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence (3.18), Journal of Process Control (3.12), Int. Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2.17), International Journal of Uncertainty+Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (1.23), Soft Computing (2.22), Applied Soft Computing (3.81), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (6.18), Neurocomputing (3.21), Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (2.59), Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (2.56), IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (4.05), Kybernetes (0.98), IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (10.37), Signal Processing (3.0), Sensors (2.96), IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (1.3), Entropy (1.95), Advances of Fuzzy Systems (), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (3.85), Textile Research Journal (1.65), International Journal of Production Research (2.39), Symmetry (1.26), Concurrency and Computation (1.22) and others