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Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Communications Engineering
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Learning Materials for Mentors

Using tablet games to teach digital skills - Video on YOUTUBE, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

A major goal of GIRDA has been the development of materials to help mentors use gameplay effectively, to help older people become familiar with and interested in digital technology.

Each of the project partners has worked with older people who are yet to engage with digital technologies and maybe lacking in confidence in their ability to learn, fearful of the many scare stories and even strongly resistant.

We have worked with simple, fun publicly available games to build confidence and develop essential gestures for using touch screen – tap, swipe, scroll and rotate. Achieving these basic interactions through repetition in a game can help create a first step along the path to becoming a confident user of digital technologies.

As the GIRDA project reaches its final stage, the partners have developed materials that will help mentors – friends, family, volunteers or employees – to make use of games to support the learning journey of older people towards digital adoption.

You can download the guide in English and Macedonian, below: