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Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik - Communications Engineering
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Multiplier event

Austria: Multiplier Event at Ars Electronica Center Linz

JKU got the chance to conduct the GIRDA Multiplier Event in cooperation with the Seniorenbund OÖ (https://ooe-seniorenbund.at/ueber-uns, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster). The Seniorenbund OÖ is an organization for retired people with different locations in different regions of Upper Austria. The organization has a wide offer for its members. They organize for example educational and sports courses or trips. Helping people to get digital included is a special focus in their program. Around 70 members of the Seniorenbund took part at the event. These members are responsible for organizing digital training programs for other members who are not digitally included or who have problems when using smartphones or tablets.
