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Resisting "Business-as-Usual": Organization to Support Hope and Justice in Times of Socio-Ecological Crises

(Hybrid) Workshop: Call to Participate
February 22 & 23, 2024
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Imagebild Hörsaal
Foto: Weihbold

When it comes to addressing both the climate crisis and intersecting inequalities, work organizations find themselves at the crossroads. On one hand, "business-as-usual" at work organizations accelerates the climate crisis and growing inequalities in and between countries. On the other hand, work organizations are crucial in tackling global warming and addressing inequalities as they pool resources to create less polluting products and technologies. They also greatly impact life opportunities for individual (non)members. However, research has largely neglected the organizational level at the crossroads of the climate crisis and social inequalities. In this regard, we aim to explore the relationships, processes, and practices at these crossroads on an organizational level and identify alternative organizational process to support hope and justice in times of socio-ecological crises.

The workshop aims to create a space to hold conversations and pursue potential partnerships to (begin) addressing numerous ecological crises associated with social justice issues at work organizations. We intend to turn to feminist, super-human, indigenous, de/post-colonial and imaginary perspectives – as well as other marginalized voices – to help us to analyze and fundamentally re-think the relationship between work organizations and socio-ecological in/justices. This workshop is for any scholar concerned about "business-as-usual", wishing to address bridging the gap between social and ecological issues, and imagining a hopeful future. This workshop is for you, even if you have not yet written a full paper about this topic!