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Practical insights for Global Business students despite the Covid 19 crisis

In these challenging times, it was even more important to maintain the practical focus of this unique Master’s program.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, courses in the Global Business Master’s degree program were moved to virtual teaching. In these challenging times, it was even more important to maintain the practical focus of this unique Master’s program. In order to give students practical insights into the Austrian entrepreneurial and governance system, Andreas Krawinkler managed to invite a number of interesting guest speakers to his classes. For example, students had the opportunity to learn more about social ecosystems during their term in Linz. Cathrin Lesslhumer, currently Senior Leadership & Development Consultant at MDI Training, highlighted the importance of innovative ecosystems for organizational change processes in her presentation. Furthermore, the director of Impact Hub Vienna, Barbara Inmann, reported on entrepreneurial ecosystems for social business start-ups. In addition, the author, lecturer and sculptor, Susanne Sesselmann, provided insights into governance practices in the mining industry.

Furthermore, Alice Uhl, currently Head of Young Caritas Vienna, explained to the students how to activate youth for grand societal challenges. To challenge the international students even further, the lecturers also organized a pitching contest with four judges from different areas. Among the participants were Peter Gollowitsch (Director Consulting & Concept at Netural GmbH), Marlene Welzl (Co-Founder at Wohnbuddy), Florian Hofreither (Founder & CEO at Donkey Crew) and Matthias Fink (Vice Head at the Institute for Innovation Management). After this interesting online term at JKU, the PAC Global Business students finalized their virtual Austrian term and will now continue their studies virtually at our partner university PUCP Graduate Business School, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster in Lima.