Recommended literature for general chemistry courses:
To ease your studies we will provide you scripts as a comprimed summary of the relevant topics. Of course these do not substitute the physical attendance in the lectures. To get more detailed information about special aspects there are many useful books, which also mostly contain lots of examples to train your skills in chemical calculations. To practise this is highly recommended. Most of the presented books are available in the main library and can be borrowed free of charge.
Text books for general Chemistry, partly with selected problems for practising
German edition:
Chang, Chemistry Raymond Chang, Kenneth A. Goldsby, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2012, 9780076619986
Chemical Principles- The Quest for Insight, Peter Atkins; Loretta Jones; Leroy Laverman, Seventh Edition, Pearson, Toronto, 2016, 9781464183959
Text books only available in German
Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie
Binnewies, Michael; Finze, Maik; Jäckel, Manfred; Schmidt, Peer; Willner, Helge; Rayner-Canham, Geoff, Springer- Spektrum 3. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, 2016, 978-3-662-45066-6
Charles E. Mortimer Ulrich Müller, Das Basiswissen der Chemie 2019, 13. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage Thieme, Stuttgart, 978-3-13-242274-2 (ISBN)
German: illustrative textbook for the basics in chemistry
Miscellaneous Exercises for chemical calculations with lots of problems for self studies
Schaum (Useful book to practise many kinds of chemical problems. Available in English and German)
College Chemistry Based on Schaum'sOutline of College ChemistryBy Jerome L. Rosenberg and Lawrence M Epstein, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2009, 9780073511092
Uwe Hillebrand Stöchiometrie Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen mit Beispielen und Übungsaufgaben. 2. Durchges. Aufl., XVI, Springer, Berlin 2009 ISBN-13: 9783642004599 (German)
Michael Binnewies; Manfred Jäckel; Helge Willner, Übungsbuch Allgemeine Chemie, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007 / 9783827418289 (German)