You are starting your study of Biological Chemistry (BC), Chemistry and Chemical Technology (CCT) or Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Technik (NaWi-Tec)? Then join our informational welcome-moodle-course about our chemistry(-related) studies at JKU!
In this “course” we try to provide you with all the information you can need at the beginning of your studies, including e.g. time tables for your first semester, important dates (e.g. for the compulsory fire drill) and other useful information. In case you miss some information, you have the opportunity to ask it in a forum (e.g. questions regarding the registration in Budweis for Biological Chemistry,…).
Now the big question is: How can you access this moodle-page?
In the following you find a step-by-step-procedure how to do it:
1. You need your (activated) JKU account (you will receive the information for activating your account after your subscription - it is the same account as for KUSSS and all other services at JKU, JKU Account Self Service, opens an external URL in a new window) - if you are not enrolled at JKU, it is not possible to access the welcome course!
2. Go to, opens an external URL in a new window and log in with your account. Alternatively, you can directly go to the moodle course, opens an external URL in a new window, log in with your account and go directly to step 4.
3. Go to All Courses and search for sok_chemistry. You will get Chemistry - Information about your study (BC, CCT, NaWi-Tec) as the only search result. Click on this course.
4. Enter an enrollment key, "chemistry", under Selbsteinschreibung and you will be enrolled in the "course".
5. Made it! You can now view all of the content and ask questions or discuss with one another in the forums.