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Günther Zäpfel Master's Thesis Award


Once a year, the Institute of Production and Logistics Management (PLM) at the Johannes Kepler University Linz presents the Günther Zäpfel Master's Thesis Prize in recognition of outstanding Master's theses in the area of production, logistics and supply chain management.

Named after the award sponsor, Professor Dr. Günther Zäpfel (former head of the Institute of Production and Logistics Management between 1974 and 2010, first under the name "Institut für Fertigungswirtschaft und Betriebsinformatik", and then under the name "Institut für Industrie und Fertigungswirtschaft"), Prof. Dr. Zäpfel played a key role in significantly shaping the institute's quantitative, analytical direction.

The respective thesis supervisor can nominate outstanding Master’s theses written at the PLM Institute between May of the previous year and June of the awarding year, graded with a “Sehr gut”. The proposed theses must be of a high, scholarly and scientific level, contributing significantly to methodological practices and supporting hands-on, real-world approaches. The award winners are selected in consultation with Professor Zäpfel.

2021 Award Winners

2022 Award Winners

  • Xenia Haslinger for her Diploma degree thesis titled: "Das emissionsfreie Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem mit unterschiedlichen Reichweiten - ein metaheuristischer Lösungsansatz" epub-pdf, opens an external URL in a new window