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IQD News.

Das Team des IQD bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung

IQD erstmals bei der "Langen Nacht der Forschung“ 

Am 13.04.2018 hat das Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD) erstmals an der „Langen Nacht der Forschung“ teilgenommen.

[Translate to Englisch:] Gruppenfoto Preisverleihung

Upper Austrian Achievement Award 2017

(OÖ. Leistungspreis 2017) for Prof. Dr. Erik Hansen

jku linz
Gruppenfoto mit Melanie Wiener

IQD research at the 4. qualityaustria Environment and Energy Forum

More than 120 representatives of the Austrian business community attended the 4. qualityaustria Environment and Energy Forum (titled "Wir müssen die…, opens an external URL in a new window

Team des IQD bei Preisverleihung

State Award for IQD

Oberösterreichischer Landespreis für Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit 2017

Menschen feiern bei Gugler*

Opening of gugler*s Sinnreich

On September 8th, the IQD team visited the company gugler*, opens an external URL in a new window in Melk for a big celebration. The reason for the celebration was the opening of the first…

Erik Hansen mit Auszeichnung

Award for head of IQD Prof. Dr. Erik Hansen

Prof. Dr. Erik Hansen (co-author: Dr. Johanna Klewitz) received for his paper “Sustainability-oriented innovation of SMEs: A systematic review”, opens an external URL in a new window the…

Erik Hansen und Andres Alcayaga in den Miba AG headquarters

ÖVQ-Benchmark-Meeting at Miba AG headquarters

Prof. Dr. Erik Hansen (IQD) with Ing. Viktor Seitschek (General Manager and CEO of Austrian Association for Quality, ÖVQ) and Andres Alcayaga (IQD) at…

Gruppenfoto der Studierenden bei Quality Austria in Wien

Successful student presentation (“IQD Project”) at Quality Austria headquarters in Vienna

Groups of international master level students presented the results of IQD’s newest praxis-oriented course: IQD Project, opens an external URL in a new window. The course included the…

Julia Schmitt und Andres Alcayaga bei der ISPIM Innovation Conference

IQD researchers at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2017 in Vienna

Doctoral students of IQD presented their preliminary research results on “Circular Innovation Processes from ACAP Perspective: the Case of…