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Documentation of the Seminar Interdisciplinary Business Project SS23

The Fronius student group takes you on their semester journey towards successfully managing their seminar project.


The SE Interdisciplinary Business Project (IBP) is a capstone seminar within the master program ‘Management’. The seminar is a cooperative teaching format of the Institute for Retailing, Sales and Marketing, the Institute for Strategic Management, and the Institute for International Management. Four cooperation partners (Fronius International, voestalpine Steel Division, KEBA AG and Greiner AG) participated in the seminar.

Each student group had to document the seminar from their own point of view. Have a look at their fantastic video, in which the group reviews the seminar process in a news studio setting.  The “IBP Talk” outlines that with good teamwork, fun and ambition a great IBP project can be achieved. A key message from the group is to always stay on track throughout the semester.

We are proud of the good work of our students, well done!

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