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Gattringer IBP2024w

Final Event: Masterseminar "Interdisciplinary Business Project"

This semester, our Master's in Management students once again had the unique opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a practical environment.

SMMPraxis 2024w

Open for Startups: Bachelor's seminar "Strategic and market-oriented management in practice" in collaboration with tech2B

This semester, the participants of the seminar "Strategic and market-oriented management in practice" had the special opportunity to work together…

[Translate to Englisch:] Alice Neusiedler

It is with great pleasure that we welcome our new team member!

Alice Neusiedler, opens an external URL in a new window joined ISM as a University Assistant.

In their research Alice is…

[Translate to Englisch:] Reisinger IK ESM WS2024

How do you manage to remain competitive in a dynamic, digitalised and networked world?

Is it better to rely on proven strengths or venture into new business models? Do you develop innovations on your own or together with partners in…

Presenting the keys (f.l.): Alexander Freischlager (JKU Vice-Rector), Dietmar Prammer (Deputy Mayor of Linz), Federal Minister Martin Polaschek, JKU Rector Stefan Koch, Christine Dornaus (managing director of BIG), Governor Thomas Stelzer, architect Peter Sapp (querkraft), and Michael Tumpel (Dean of the JKU Business School); photo credit: JKU

The JKU Business School’s New Home: Grand Opening of the House of Schools 1

Built by the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) as the client, the Vienna-based architectural firm querkraft designed the new House of Schools 1.


We live openness - in research, in teaching and in dealing with each other!


At ISM, openness also means celebrating and laughing together. At the turn of the year, we look back with satisfaction on the colourful moments of…

[Translate to Englisch:] Reisinger IK UHM 2024w

How can knowledge be used in practice?

By applying it directly and incorporating it into real challenges.

This was precisely the aim of the IK Unternehmerisches Handeln.

After an…


Practical dialogue with Gernot Stürmer / Brouwerij Martens

Brands versus private labels - strategies in consumer change


Exploring the Dynamics of Organizing: Insights from Path Nets

We are thrilled to announce that a paper co-authored by Brian T. Pentland (Michigan State University), our own Waldemar Kremser, and Kenneth T. Goh…