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Teaching and Learning Insight Lab

The Teaching and Learning Insight Lab series designed to share and discuss innovative didactic concepts, methods, and (digital) technologies used in courses within Business School programs.

Each Lab session will begin with a brief presentation about a new teaching/educational concept followed by a group discussion that gives participants an opportunity to talk about individual classroom experiences as well as share ideas.


Next Teaching and Learning Insight LAB
June13th 2024

Application of an adaptive motivation-promoting teaching design using the ARCS model (by Dr. Kathrin Mayr, MA)

12.30 pm - 01.30 pm

MZ 201 B (Multimedia-Room)

Registration until June, 11th 2024.

Previous LABs

We will delve into the fascinating world of visual scaffolding and mnemonic techniques. These powerful tools, deeply rooted in cognitive science, leverage our brain's innate capacity for visual processing to enhance learning and knowledge retention.

In our session, Albert Hahn will explore the principles and applications of these techniques in depth. We will examine how they can be combined to create an effective learning environment, providing practical examples and guidelines for their use.

Join us and discover how, by combining visual scaffolding and mnemonic techniques, you can make complex information easier to understand and remember. This approach is especially useful in fields where large amounts of complex information need to be learned and retained.

The Lab session will feature Martin Stabauer. He will present the new Multimedia Room which resulted from the initiative Pedagogical Excellence in the Digital Age. The room provides interactive educational equipment to facilitate cutting-edge teaching approaches and foster a rich variety of educational methods in programs offered by the JKU Business School.

The Lab session will feature Christoph Schütz. He will talk about the
eTutor++ system that aims to overcome the dichotomy between mass
teaching and personalized learning by providing students with assignments
that automatically adapt to the student’s current learning needs, taking the
individual student’s progress into consideration.

The first Lab session will feature Iris Groher. Iris will talk about her
educational concept that has become an integral part of the introductory
programming course in the Business Administration program as well as
how she encourages active student participation through competencebased
learning, pair programming, and peer-learning. Irish Groher received
the 2022 Kepler Award in recognition of her outstanding teaching concept.

The LAB was held by Prof.in Barbara Sabitzer (School of Education)

Teaching and Learning Insight LAB March, 14th 2024