Survey statistics deals with the estimation of population characteristics of interest on the basis of surveys. This problem arises for all empirical researchers and users in social and economic research, market and opinion research as well as in official statistics. The internal research focus "Survey Statistics - Data Quality in Statistical Surveys” deals with the efficiency of sample designs. It therefore includes both questions on sampling theory, such as the effect of the application of probabilty and non-probability sampling, as well as topics of sampling practice such as the application of statistical methods to avoid non-response.
Research projects conducted at the Institute of Applied Statistics under this research focus include the EU’s DACSEIS-project on the international comparability of EU-Labor Force Surveys in the field of official statistics, an in-depth project to compare different sampling designs for the PISA-study of the OECD in the area of educational research, the project “PUMA” for interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of social sciences or projects to verify the degree of the coverage of network operators in Austria. Thus, the institute contributes to the JKU research focuses Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development: Responsible Technologies & Management.
Institute of Applied Statistics
Survey Statistics - Data Quality in Surveys
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz
Science Park 2, intermediate storey
Project management
+43 732 2468 6801
+43 732 2468 6820