In urgent cases, you can submit a request to the interloan library staff, providing that the books or articles you are looking for have been checked out and the loan period exceeds 8 weeks.
You can order books, university publications and journal articles that are not available in Linz from other libraries in Austria and abroad using our online interlibrary loan services.
InterLibrary Loans
+43 732 2468 4857
+43 732 2468 3652
In urgent cases, you can submit a request to the interloan library staff, providing that the books or articles you are looking for have been checked out and the loan period exceeds 8 weeks.
Journals that are only electronically available in German online catalogs are excluded from the interlibrary loan service.
Please enter bibliographically complete citations only! Read the terms & conditions about ordering - get information about the costs.
Please note the copyright regulations pertaining to interlibrary loans and document delivery!
Requirement: You must be a registered library user.
If you have never borrowed any books from the JKU before, please come to the Circular Desk and present your JKU Card or a valid photo ID. You will receive your password to place an interlibrary loan order.
Orders will only be accepted when submitted online!
Delivery Time
In general, you will receive your order within a 2 to 4 week period.
The library will notify you per e-mail when your order has arrived.
Loan Period
The loan period for interlibrary loan books is set by the lending library and is generally between 2 to 4 weeks. The maximum extension period is 6 months, providing the lending library agrees.
You cannot extend the loan period yourself. Please send an E-Mail to the Interlibrary Loan department.
Orders within Austria
Book: 2 Euros
Copy per Page: 40 Cent
Orders outside of Austria
Books: € 16
Copies: € 7.50 / per order
In rare cases the fees vary, then we will contact you.