Bibliometrics is the use of mathematical and statistical methods in academic/scientific publications, focusing on the quantity of academic/scientific output, citation frequency and other countable indicators in an attempt to measure academic/scientific achievement and performance.
Bibliometrics is not used to make statements about the quality of research but rather serves primarily as a support tool. Bibliometrics can be applied at different levels and can serve various stakeholders. Applications range from evaluating individuals to making international comparisons of institutions and regions.
Bibliometrics and Publication Support
+43 732 2468 4882
The Competence Center provides the following services:
Services provided in the field of bibliometrics are currently being developed. If you require any of the above listred services or you have another request, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Services for Academics/Scientists
Conducting bibliometric analyses of your publication output - as well as that of the respective subject area - can help researchers optimize and develop publication strategies aimed at increased impact and visibility. We combine bibliometric services with current library services in the field of publication support (open access, research, author profiles, ...).
Administration Services
Bibliometric analyses, evaluations, and regular assessments allow us to acquire an overview of performance and development at the university as a whole - as well as at its departments - and measure performance, etc against others. They also help identify any weaknesses and monitor just how effective our measures and guidelines are.
Data Sources
In general, we use two major international data sources for bibliometric evaluations and university rankings:
Google Scholar is used as a supplementary data source for internal university evaluations. Other data sources can also be looked at, depending on the subject area in which the publications to be evaluated originate.
Altmetrics are becoming increasingly important. Altmetrics measures the resonance and attention of scientific research outside of conventional communication channels and media, thus also highlighting the social impact of science. In this context, scientific publications not only play a role in social networks, but also in the press, patents and when making policies.
Criticism and Caution
Since establishing bibliometrics, there has been (sometimes justified) criticism regarding this method as it attempts to measure something that cannot be measured, namely the quality and performance of scientific research. To a certain extent, statements can be made through well-founded analyses, which is why bibliometrics is only an (objective) part of a whole.
To avoid misinterpretations, bibliometric indicators should never be considered on their own but rather always in combination with other parameters in order to put them in relation to one another and get a more complete picture. When it comes to administration and scientists, our analyses and reports - as well as our advising and consultation activities - take this into account.
We are also especially careful when presenting the final results based on a clean - and as complete as possible - basis of information. In turn, we need the necessary time and ask for your patience. Should you require analyses or reports by a certain key date, please let us know as soon as possible.