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STEAM-CONNECT is an Erasmus+ project for Co-creating Transdisciplinary STEM-to-STEAM Pedagogical Innovations through Connecting International Learning Communities. 

Project partners: University of Luxembourg (UniLU); Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU); University of Turin (UniTO); Comenius University Bratislava (UniBA); Experience Workshop (EW). Supported by the European Commission (2021-2024).

STEAM-Connect 2021-2024

from 01.11.2021 to 01.11.2024, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

This project provides the opportunity continue the GeoGebra Maths and STEAM worldwide success and sustainability by relying on the synergies of teachers in different national, cultural, and social requirements. The STEAM-Connect project aims to bring together teachers, parents, artists, pedagogues, and researchers from various disciplines to create innovative transdisciplinary workshops and pedagogies to improve collaborative STEAM teaching and learning for secondary school students of all abilities and backgrounds.

The STEAM-Connect project focuses on new innovative ways for STEAM education and, as a result, stimulates the acquisition of new skills and competences needed for individuals who are accustomed to silo and single-subject learning. We want to create and test novel STEAM tools and pedagogies for school education, in close collaboration with the participating teachers, in order to make student learning more inspirational and meaningful. STEAM-Connect encourages the use of a variety of open and creative practices by utilizing largely open-source or low-cost digital tools such as GeoGebra, Sonic Pi, Raspberry Pi, as well as emerging technologies like as 3D printing, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and robotics, among others. The project team already has substantial expertise in digital resource and tool research and development.

Furthermore, we intend to use arts-related pedagogies to promote learning in schools. Finally, by gaining experience in STEAM education development as well as immersing teachers in educational and design research, their teaching profile and professional prestige are raised, as are the teachers who participate in STEAM-Connect related activities in addition to the project participants.

Objectives: Our goal is to encourage teachers and students through exploration and discovery to be inspired and immersed in the multi- and transdisciplinary study of different phenomena within STEAM. Specifically, we want to (1) Connect learning communities who are presently developing multi- and trans-disciplinary learning modules and STEM-to-STEAM programmes and experimental pedagogy practices including special needs, (2) Develop, document and evaluate state-of-the-art STEAM programmes and pedagogies, (3) Enhance creative STEAM co-teaching and collaborative learning in secondary education through joint efforts of a variety of stakeholders, (4) Develop innovative sustainable training and continuous professional development in the field of STEAM and multi- and transdisciplinary learning.

Steam Connect