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STEAM plus

STEAM Plus “Intergenerational Learning for Adult Learners through STEAM: From the point of Hofstede’s 6D Model (Steam Plus)” project is a project consisting of face-to-face and online training aimed at creating a STEAM curriculum for adult individuals, funded under the European Union Erasmus Plus Adult Education Partnerships for Creativity component.

Adopting the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the STEAM PLUS project aims to contribute to sustainable development with a holistic approach. Skills possessed by adults must be adapted and developed to the needs of today’s world, which is constantly evolving and transforming. The main motivation of the project is to provide inclusive and quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities. Adaptation of adult individuals to technology and scientific facts in the digitalized world brings with it some problems in terms of time, cost or living conditions. Especially adults who have not received formal or non-formal technical education have difficulty in adapting to this process. The pandemic experienced on a global level has once again shown that these difficulties must be overcome and that humanity needs more creative thinking and behaviour.

Objectives: Given that knowledge is constantly changing, it’s critical for  experts as well as ordinary citizens  to update their understanding of STEAM. STEAM applications are a lifelong learning resource not only for children but also for adults of all levels. This project aims for adults to achieve the following general aims through STEAM applications.

Project partners: Erzurum Technical University (Coordinator) – Türkiye; Erzurum Maturation Institute – Türkiye; Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU); Experience Workshop (EW). Supported by the European Commission (2021-2023).

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Duration: 2021-2023