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Artikel "Teachers’ Retrospective Evaluation of Changes in Adaptive Teaching During COVID-19"

von Christoph Helm, Stephan Gerhard Huber, Louis Preisig und Alexandra Postlbauer

veröffentlicht in "Differentiated Instruction Around the World"

herausgegeben von Verana Letzel-Alt und Marcela Pozas

erschienen im Waxmann Verlag 2023 

ISBN 978-3-8309-4702-8


14 different countries, various research methods, 1 topic: Differentiated Instruction.

With increasingly diverse student populations in schools, the establishment of inclusive classrooms has become a top international priority. Teachers around the world are urged to differentiate their instruction in order to support all students’ learning needs. Although there is research on the topic, there are still important gaps to explore, especially the underrepresented international research output. This book tackles such limitations and provides a first ever publication concerning global insights into differentiated instruction. A total of 14 countries from 5 continents provide empirical evidence, theoretical and practical approaches to the topic. The book wraps up with a contribution from Prof. Dr. John Hattie, University of Melbourne, who shares eight theses to help the continuing debate and research on differentiated instruction.


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