… and the journey continues! After the successful completion of the first two international terms in Canada and Taiwan, 25 students of the Global Business Master ACT 2023/24 arrived at JKU Linz to continue their international year with the Austrian Term. On their first day at JKU, students received a warm welcoming from the Vice Rector Andreas Janko, along with the Global Business Program Director Robert Breitenecker, Program Manager Edit Juhász, as well as professors guiding the upcoming consulting projects. Afterwards, they were briefed on their academic schedule for the next three months which includes cultural excursions and professional consulting projects. Following the formal briefing, the MGB students were taken on a campus tour. The tour covered main buildings such as the Management Center and popular spots like the pond on Campus, Kepler Hall, Mensa, and the Learning Center. Additionally, students were introduced to the ÖH Shop, located in the Kepler building, and given insights into the services provided by the ÖH Linz. A quick stop at the cozy Ch@t Caffee of course was obligatory to introduce the MGB students to a place where they can spend their study breaks. The tour continued to the TNF Tower, where students enjoyed panoramic views of Linz on a windy but sunny day. Especially the view on Voest Alpine, with which one of the project groups will also work on a consulting project, impressed the international students. On the second day of the welcome week, after an interesting session about teamwork and creating team charters in the morning, a professional guide provided the students with a Linz City Tour in the afternoon. Delving into Linz’s rich history, interesting landmarks such as the old town hall, the main square with its monuments and the Mariendom were visited. For the MGB students the tour offered more than just sightseeing – it introduced them to Linz’s cultural scene, as well as student life opportunities. More Info here. |