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Pre-Christmas Media Echo

[Translate to Englisch:] Krone

IHaM has scientifically accompanied the pre-Christmas period - so important for the retail trade - with several short studies. The topics ranged from Black Friday to the consumer mood of Austrians during Advent, the savings plans for Christmas presents to the discussion about the open sales day on 8 December and the motives for giving presents. A detailed forecast of Christmas sales was deliberately omitted, as the influencing factors are too volatile this year.

The media interest in the open and independent analyses was overwhelming. The results of the study were published online in more than 70 articles in daily newspapers and trade journals. In addition, Ernst Gittenberger and Christoph Teller gave numerous interviews to ORF ZiB1, Österreich Heute, Ö1, ServusTV, Kronenzeitung, DiePresse, etc. An overview of the pre-Christmas online media echo can be found under the following link.

We would like to thank all journalists for the extensive coverage of our research results and look forward to interesting discussions in 2023.

Ernst Gittenberger and Christoph Teller