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Theresa Hager, MSc

- Keplergebäude Building - 1st Floor - K131 B
- theresa.hager(at)jku.at
Additional Information
Short Biography
Theresa Hager has been a socioeconomist and research associate at the Institute for the Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy (ICAE) since 2020. Since 2023, together with Laura Porak and Susanna Azevedo, she has been leading the interdisciplinary DOC team project ‘Explicit and Implicit Rules of Competition’ (EIROC; funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences) [bitte Link auf Projekt HP hier], which focuses on the effects of competition on global inequality, EU sustainability and housing scarcity. Her academic background is in environmental systems science, specialising in economics (B.Sc.) and political economy (M.Sc.), which she completed at the University of Graz and the University of Pisa.
Research Interest
Theresa‘s research focusses on the interactions between competition, institutions and transformation. Her work includes topics such as the political economy of global exchange relations in the context of sustainability, feminist political economy of knowledge production and critical competition research in relation to the European Union. She is currently analysing how technological capabilities shape the ecological and economic exchange relations between the ‘Global North’ and ‘Global South’, and whether the focus on competition inhibits necessary transformations. She also analyses how a lack of diversity, particularly in terms of gender, influences the ability of science to support socio-ecological transformation. Methodologically, she uses macroeconometric approaches such as the Synthetic Control Method and regressions.
- Political Economy of Global Exchange Relationships and Sustainability; Feminist Political Economy of Knowledge Production
Teaching Experience
Theresa has teaching experience in economics and society (political education), plural economic theory, feminist economics and macroeconomics at the University of Linz and the University of Graz.
- Economy and Society, Feminist Economics, Social-Ecological Transformation