Meeting Dates 2025 | Deadline Initial submission by 11.59 PM | Deadline End Late submission by 7.59 AM |
15.01.2025 | 18.12.2024 | 24.12.2024 |
12.02.2025 | 15.01.2025 | 21.01.2025 |
12.03.2025 | 12.02.2025 | 18.02.2025 |
23.04.2025 | 12.03.2025 | 18.03.2025 |
14.05.2025 | 23.04.2025 | 29.04.2025 |
18.06.2025 | 14.05.2025 | 20.05.2025 |
16.07.2025 | 18.06.2025 | 24.06.2025 |
13.08.2025 | 16.07.2025 | 22.07.2025 |
17.09.2025 | 13.08.2025 | 19.08.2025 |
15.10.2025 | 17.09.2025 | 23.09.2025 |
12.11.2025 | 15.10.2025 | 21.10.2025 |
17.12.2025 | 12.11.2025 | 18.11.2025 |
Meetings are held on a monthly basis and are not public. In accordance to the rules of procedure and at the chairperson's discretion, meetings can also be conducted online, or in a hybrid format (via ZOOM).
If the principal investigator is personally invited, the PI must present the study in person. If the PI cannot attend, the study presentation will be postponed until the next meeting. The vote on the project takes place without the presence of the principal investigator. Biased committee members are required to abstain from voting.
If the Ethics Committee's decision stipulates changes to a submitted project, these changes must be entered in the ECS as soon as possible. The documents are to be uploaded in a clean version and a correction version (copy with highlighted changes). Should there be no subsequent submission of documents within 6 months (as of the date of the meeting), then the application is automatically considered withdrawn and may need to be re-submitted.
Meeting Dates 2026 | Deadline Initial submission by 11.59 PM | Deadline End Late submission by 7.59 AM |
21.01.2026 | 17.12.2025 | 23.12.2025 |
18.02.2026 | 21.01.2026 | 27.01.2026 |
18.03.2026 | 18.02.2026 | 24.02.2026 |
15.04.2026 | 18.03.2026 | 24.03.2026 |
13.05.2026 | 15.04.2026 | 21.04.2026 |
17.06.2026 | 13.05.2026 | 19.05.2026 |
15.07.2026 | 17.06.2026 | 23.06.2026 |
12.08.2026 | 15.07.2026 | 21.07.2026 |
16.09.2026 | 12.08.2026 | 18.08.2026 |
14.10.2026 | 16.09.2026 | 22.09.2026 |
18.11.2026 | 14.10.2026 | 20.10.2026 |
16.12.2026 | 18.11.2026 | 24.11.2026 |
Meeting Dates 2027 | Deadline Initial submission by 11.59 PM | Deadline End Late submission by 7.59 AM |
20.01.2027 | 16.12.2026 | 22.12.2026 |
17.02.2027 | 20.01.2027 | 26.01.2027 |
17.03.2027 | 17.02.2027 | 23.02.2027 |
14.04.2027 | 17.03.2027 | 23.03.2027 |
12.05.2027 | 14.04.2027 | 20.04.2027 |
16.06.2027 | 12.05.2027 | 18.05.2027 |
14.07.2027 | 16.06.2027 | 22.06.2027 |
11.08.2027 | 14.07.2027 | 20.07.2027 |
15.09.2027 | 11.08.2027 | 17.08.2027 |
13.10.2027 | 15.09.2027 | 21.09.2027 |
17.11.2027 | 13.10.2027 | 19.10.2027 |
15.12.2027 | 17.11.2027 | 23.11.2027 |