Polymerization Laboratory
The Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials has a strong focus on industrial relevant polymerization processes and specifically operates a state-of-the-art olefin polymerization lab developed together with PRT GmbH. This olefin polymerization lab is unique in Europe combining flexibility and accuracy at highest safety standards.
- Tailor made Polyolefins on demand
- Accurate estimation of polymerization kinetics
- Homopolymerization of ethene and propene and Copolymerization with higher a-olefins
- Mimicking industrially relevant process conditions - slurry, gas-phase and multi-stage processes (up to 60 bar and 95 °C)
- Ability to handle Ziegler-Natta and Metallocene based catalysts
- Own Ziegler-Natta catalyst technology
- On-line particle growth studies with special reactor set-up
Polymer characterization
- Automated intrinsic viscosity
- Thermal analysis (DSC)
- High temperature SEC with IR detector and external filtration unit
- IR and IR microscopy
- In cooperation with neighbouring groups at JKU, additional microscopy, analytical and mechanical characterization methods are available
Gas Purification Unit
For ultra clean raw materials: Ethene, Propene, Propane, Heptane, Hydrogen and Nitrogen

Adiabatic Batch Reactor System
- Pressure: up to 60 bar
- Temperature: up to 95 °C
- Safe transfer of catalysts and co-catalysts
- Polymerization Kinetics
- Homo- & Copolymerization of olefins
- Multistage polymerization (slurry, gas-phase and multi-stage)
- Pneumatic catalyst injection system, multiple injections possible
- Maximum yield: 400 g

- Pressure: up to 60 bar
- Temperature: up to 95 °C
- Safe transfer of catalysts and co-catalysts
- Polymerization Kinetics
- Homo- & Copolymerization of olefins
- Multistage polymerization (slurry, gas-phase and multi-stage)
- Pneumatic and manual catalyst injection system, multiple injections possible
- Maximum yield: 50 g
- Up to 4 experiments per day

- Various types available
- Volume: 100 mL – 5 L
- Pressure: up to 350 bar
- Temperature: up to 400 °C

- Pressure: up to 30 bar
- Temperature: up to 230 °C
- Capable of working with agggresive solvents
- Multiple heating zones covering whole setup
- Inline sampling system
- Safety equipment