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Institute for Retailing, Sales and Marketing
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Head of Institute

Name Room Phone Email
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Teller MZ 206A 7025 christoph.teller@jku.at


Name Room Phone Email
AR Birgit Falkner MZ 205A 7033 birgit.falkner(at)jku.at
Veronika Vikova MZ 205A 7034 veronika.vikova@jku.at

Department Business-to-Business-Marketing

Name Room Phone Email
a. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Werani MZ 204A 7030


Vanessa Weber, MSc MZ 207A 7031 vanessa.weber@jku.at

Department of International Marketing

Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Assoz. Univ. Prof. Dr. Katharina Hofer MZ 208A 7026 katharina.hofer(at)jku.at

Centre of Retail and Consumer Research

Name Room Phone Email
Dr. Ernst Gittenberger MZ 203A 7036 ernst.gittenberger@jku.at

Chair for Digital Marketing and Social Media

Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Zauner    


Dr. Laurens Defau     laurens.defau(at)jku.at


Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Dr. Christiane Steinlechner, MA     christiane.steinlechner@jku.at
Dr. Max Eiselsberg     markus.eiselsberg(at)jku.at
Mag. Michael Jungwirth     michael.jungwirth(at)vodafone.com
Dr. Arne Floh     arne.floh(at)wu.ac.at
Prof. Dr. Zeynep Bilgin Wührer     zeynep.bilgin_wuehrer(at)jku.at
FH Prof. Dr. Alexander Brendel-Schauberger     alexander.brendel-schauberger(at)jku.at

Student Employees

Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Nikola Scherleitner MZ 201A   nikola.scherleitner@jku.at
Johanna Lang MZ 201A   johanna.lang@jku.at
Emilia Lindenberger MZ 201A    
Marlene Brandmair MZ 201A   marlene.brandmair(at)jku.at