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News & Events.

LNR 2024

Long Night of Research in the Robotics Lab on May 24, 2024

Once again, the Institute of Robotics participated in the "Long Night of Research" and welcomed numerous visitors.

Hannes Gamper

Doctoral Defense of Hannes Gamper on May 6, 2024

"A Robotic System for CERN's Future Circular Collider"


Guest lecture: Prof. Elmar Rückert

Deep Learning in Robotics

November 14, 2023, 13:45, MT226

AWR 2023

ARW 2023

The Austrian Robotics Workshop (ARW) took place in Linz from April 12-13, 2023.

[Translate to Englisch:] JSI Meeting

Visit from Slovenia

As part of the international “Scientific & Technological Cooperation” (S&T Cooperation) programme we had a meeting with our collegues from the Jožef…

[Translate to Englisch:] Junge Kepler Uni

Young Kepler University

After the great feedback from last year the Institute of Robotics again got the chance to take part at "Young Kepler University" on November 12, 2022.


Guest lecture: Shivesh Kumar

"A Modular Software Workbench for Kinematic and Dynamic modeling of Complex Series-Parallel Hybrid Robots"


Guest lecture: Prof. dr. ir. Jan Swevers

LCToolbox: Facilitating Optimal Linear Feedback Controller Design


Guest lecture: Prof. Robert Seifried

Control of flexible and under-actuated robots using servo bindings