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Dr. Anna Tröscher-Böhm at the awards ceremony; photo credit: ÖWA/Elis Zilberberg

Dr. Anna Tröscher-Böhm Presented with the Johann Wilhelm Ritter von Mannagetta Award

The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) presented the award to the microbiologist in recognition of outstanding work.

Award for Franz Fellner; photo credit: JKU

Vote for Your Prof: The Students Have Voted

The search was on for the most student-friendly professor and this year's choice is Prof. Franz Fellner.

Update Aorta 2024; photo credit: JKU

A Presentation, "Update Aorta", Impressed Over 100 Guests

The JKU medSPACE served as the venue for fascinating presentations focusing on the aorta.

Impressions from the presentation; photo credit: JKU

Radiology and Anatomy - Past, Present, and Future

The presentation "Radiology and Anatomy - Past, Present, and the Future" at the JKU's medSPACE took the audience on a journey through the history of…

F.l.: Drda, Graduates, Lamprecht, Gruber, Haberlander; photo credit: JKU

27 JKU Medical School Students Celebrate Their Graduation

27 medical students celebrated their graduation during an academic ceremony held yesterday on campus.

F.l.: Drda, Steinwender; photo credit: JKU

Prim. Priv. Doz. Dr. Clemens Steinwender Presented with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

On April 9, Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented Prim. Priv. Doz. Dr. Clemens Steinwender with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

F.l.: Elgin Drda, Wolfram Hötzenecker, Patricia Stark, Susanna Zierler, Alois Ferscha; photo credit: JKU

Watch the 9th JKU medTALK

The 9th installment in the JKU medTALK series, "Grenzenlos forschen – Medizin im Netzwerk der Disziplinen?" focused on going beyond limitations in…

mikrophone des festsaals

Presentation: Tenure-Track Positions "Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Medical Imaging"

The presentations will take place at the MED Campus on April 3 and are open to the public.

medTALK; Credit: JKU

Invitation to the 9th JKU medTALK

The 9th JKU medTALK titled "Grenzenlos forschen - Medizin im Netzwerk der Disziplinen" will take place on April 3.