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Professor Donnerer erklärte den Medizin-Nobelpreis.

Nobel Explained: The Body, Cells and Oxygen

The topic of who received this year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine and why was the subject of the session of "Nobel erklärt" organized by the JKU and the…

Biologe Ahmed El-Gazzar (rechts) bei der Preisverleihung der Arabischen Liga.

Arab League Presents JKU Physician with Award

Dr. Ahmed El-Gazzar was awarded the "Arab Expatriate's Day Prize" in recognition of outstanding research work.

Professor Jens Meier, Credit: Claudia Börner

Prof. Jens Meier is the New Chair for Anaesthesiology and Op. Intensive Care Medicine

On December 2, Prof. Dr. Jens Meier became chair of Anaesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Linz.

Forschung und Lehre an der Medizinischen Fakultät der JKU.

Call for 2020 Linz Clinician Scientist Program

Applications for the Clinician Scientist Program and Advanced Clinician Scientist Program can be submitted beginning December 1.

Forschung stand im Mittelpunkt des 5. Kepler Science Days.

Kepler Science Day Provides an Overview of Medical Research

For the fifth year in a row, Kepler Science Day focused on presenting research findings that underscore Upper Austria as a location of medicine.

Vortragender Rene Böheim.

Explaining the Nobel Awards: Alleviating Global Poverty

The new lecture series "Nobel erklärt" kicked-off at the Kepler Salon and explained the Nobel Prize in Economics.

von links: Prof. Faisal Ahmed (ESPE Council), Prof. Wolfgang Högler bei der ESPE-Award-Verleihung.

JKU Physician Presented with Two Awards

Prof. Dr. Wolfang Högler received two awards in recognition of outstanding research.

f.l.: VR Elgin Drda, Rector Meinhard Lukas, Dep. Gov. Haberlander, Prof. Gerald Pruckner

JKU Faculty of Medicine Celebrates 5 Years - Medicine That Works

The JKU Faculty of Medicine is celebrating its fifth anniversary. By focusing on general medicine, the JKU is also taking social responsibility.

Oncology Professor Schmitt

Dr. Dionys Lehner Donates € 1 Million to the Johannes Kepler University Linz in Support of Oncology Research

The Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Faculty of Medicine are deeply honored and greatly appreciate the generosity.