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F.l.: Beate Winkler, Marlies Lenglachner, Doris Schmidauer, Sabine Theresia Köszegi, Martina Mara

Digitization: Equal Opportunity for Everyone

When it comes to shaping the digital world, the "Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht" (IDC) aims to correct the "imbalance" between men and…

Martin Gerzabek (CDG President), Alberta Bonanni (JKU Vice-Rector for Research), Peter Juza (head of Electrics & Automation at Primetals Technologies), Parliament Member Markus Achleitner, Prof. Alois Zoitl, Prof. Rick Rabiser (managing directors at the new CD Lab).

New CD Laboratory at the JKU: Successfully Managing Software Variations in Automation Systems

Anyone who builds or modernizes steel plants will quickly realize that machines are like people: the same yet somehow individually different.

Stefan Baumgartner

In Less Than 5 Years, Stefan Baumgartner Earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Electronics

Twenty-five-year-old Stefan Baumgartner already has a number of accomplishments under his belt, including completing his undergraduate and graduate…

[Translate to Englisch:] ELISE calls out for the best AI startups and SMEs

ELISE is looking for top Artificial Intelligence start-up companies & SMEs!

ELISE, a network of artificial intelligence research hubs, is based on a high level research focused om disseminating its findings and expertise in…

Von links: Janos Birtha, Eva Kobler, Niki Chung (an der UD-Tape Anlage der LIT factory)

The LIT OIC Introduces Itself: CHASE Competence Center

Using digitalization to support sustainability - Patrick Pammer (CHASE Competence Center) explains just how this works.

von links: Andreas Hametner, Leiter des Co-Innovation Labs von Dynatrace; Veronika Leibetseder, Director R&D Labs Operations bei Dynatrace; Alois Reitbauer, Chief Technology Strategist bei Dynatrace; Christopher Lindinger, Vizerektor der Johannes Kepler UniversitätLinz; Rick Rabiser, Leiter Cyber-Physical Systems Lab am LIT. Credit: Ines Thomsen

The JKU and Dynatrace aim to turn Austria into a Digitization Hotspot

In the future, software will be fully automated, self-healing and self-shielding.

Dean Michael Mayhofer

Dean Michael Mayrhofer is New Constitutional Court Substitute Member

The Dean of the JKU Faculty of Law has been appointed as a substitute member of the Constitutional Court.

Student Artificial Intelligence

The JKU’s Bachelor’s & Master’s in "Artificial Intelligence" via Distance Learning in Bregenz

Starting this fall, the JKU Center for Distance Learning will offer Artificial Intelligence (AI) - one of the JKU’s most promising programs - in…



Trusted Artificial Intelligence: Towards Certification of Machine Learning Applications