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Symposium Universitas.

New Perspectives on University Education and Research.
September 8 – 9 / Open Innovation Center, JKU

Digital technology to support research, university education, and teach - what are some of the potentials and challenges? How can young people get a head-start to prepare for the world of tomorrow and upcoming challenges? This symposium will explore digital technologies and their impact on society, particularly in regard to university education and research. The various topics include the current situation, future skills, transdisciplinary collaboration in science and academia, innovative educational methods, micro-credentials, and alternative metrics to measure scientific output.

The workshops, presentations, and discussions aim to provide inspiration, broaden perspectives, spark discussion, and initiate conversation about what a university of the future should be like.

Speakers: Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe), J. Philipp Schmidt (MIT Media Lab), Sarah de Rijcke (Leiden University), Markus F. Peschl (University of Vienna), Daniel J. Lang (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Manuela Naveau (Kunstuniversität Linz / Interface Cultures), Dominic Orr (Nova Gorica University), Martin Ebner (TU Graz), Christopher Lindinger (JKU), Kerstin Pell (JKU), and more.


Time & date

September 08, 2021 (all day)

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OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor


JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

Downloads & Links

  • Further information & registration - Symposium Universitas