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Linz Winter Workshop and
School 2024


Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience & Medicine

The Linz Winter Workshop will focus on biological single-molecule research, nano-science, nano-medicine, cell-science and bio-nanotechnology and include force and optical microscopy/spectroscopy techniques. This year, special sessions on nano-medicine and high-speed atomic force microstcopy will be organized.

The techniques presented will include:

atomic force microscopy   optical spectroscopy                    
fluorescence microscopy nano-mechanics
optical/magnetic tweezers nano-fabrication methods
dynamic force spectroscopy ultra-sensitiv sensoring


It is the aim to provide a common platform for industry and academia.

We will also arrange a skiing day in the Austrian Alps on Friday, February 2, and a Winter School for young scientists and new-comers from January 30 until February 1.

Important Dates

January 30 - February 1, 2024 
Hands-on Winter School 

February 2, 2024
Skiing Day & Welcome Reception 

February 2 - February 5, 2024

Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2023

Altintas, Zeynep (Univ. Kiel)
Canale, Claudio (Univ. Genova)
Dedecker, Peter (KU Leuven)
Duwez, Anne-Sophie (Univ. Liege)
Garcia, Ricardo (CSIC, Madrid)
Grubmüller, Helmut (MPI Göttingen)
Jungmann, Ralf (MPI Martinsried)
Kellermayer, Miklos (Univ. Semmelweis)
Lemay, Serge (Univ. Twente)
Leterrier, Christophe (Univ. Aix-Marseille)
Miles, Mervyn (Univ. Bristol)
Park, Joon Won (Postec, Pohang)
Presse, Steve (Arizona State Univ.)
Ruprecht, Verena (CRG, Barcelona)
Scheuring, Simon (Cornell Univ.)
Sikora, Mateusz (Univ. Krakow)
Urbancic, Iztok (Jozef Stefan Inst., Ljubljana)


Ando, Toshio (Univ. Kanazawa)
Clement, Nicolas (Univ. Tokyo)
Doktycz, Mitch (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab)
Fantner, Georg (EPFL, Lausanne)
Gregory, Francius  (Univ. Lorraine)
Howorka, Stefan (Univ. College London)
Kaiser, Christian (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Kusche-Vihrog, Kristina (Univ. Lübeck)
Lesniewska, Eric (Univ. Bourgogne)
Li, Hongbin (Univ. BC, Vancouver)
Milhiet, Pierre-Emmanuel (Univ. Montpellier)
Patil, Shivprasad (IISER Pune)
Ries, Jonas (Vienna BioCenter)
Santos, Nuno (Univ. Lisboa)
Schmidt, Thomas (Univ. Leiden)
Thirumalai, Dave (Univ. TX, Austin)
Wuite, Gijs  (Vrije Univ. Amsterdam)

Who should attend

Biophysicists, Pharmaceutical Research Scientists, Molecular Biologists, Structural Biochemists

Winter School

This is a school for young scientists and newcomers to learn about advanced atomic force microscopy techniques and fluorescence microscopy methods:

• High resolution imaging of live cells and bacteria
• High-speed atomic force microscopy
• Chemical functionalization of atomic force microscopy tips 
• Single molecule force spectroscopy
• Topography and recognition imaging
• Scanning microwave microscopy
• Single molecule fluorescence imaging
• FRET microscopy and electrophysiology in living cells
• Combined atomic force & fluorescence microscopy

Registration and fees

Workshop - Academia 490 €
This is an all-inclusive rate that covers: 
• registration
• abstract book 
• coffee breaks & lunches
• conference meals & social events

from Friday evening, February 2, 2024 through Monday evening, February 5, 2024.
Fee does not cover accommodations.

Hands-on Winter School - 250 € 
This school is held at the JKU Life Science Center (Gruberstraße 40, A-4020 Linz) from January 30 (starting at 9 am) to February 1 (closing at 6 pm). Fee covers coffee breaks, lunches and one social event.

Skiing Day -- Fee for transfer and ticket on a self-cost basis.
This is an optional event on Friday, February 2, 2024.

Final deadline for registering is December 15th, 2023

Invitation to present and presentation specifications

Academic participants are encouraged to give a 12-minute talk plus a 3-minute discussion, or present a poster. Poster size: A0 landscape.
Talks should contain high-quality research results and are selected by a scientific committee. 

Abstract submission deadline:  December 15th, 2023

Download template below and email your abstract with your preference (poster/talk) to linzwinterworkshop(at)jku.at (subject: Linz Abstract Submission) 

Conference Location

Sommerhotel Julius-Raab-Heim
Julius-Raab-Str. 10
A-4040 Linz
phone: ++43(732)2457-0
fax: ++43(732)2457-39

For questions, contact the organization committee at: 
email: linzwinterworkshop(at)jku.at
phone: ++43(732)2468-7630/7631
fax: ++43(732)2468-7633


Sommerhotel Julius-Raab-Heim (Conference Hotel)
Julius-Raab-Str. 10
A-4040 Linz
phone: ++43(732)2457-0
fax: ++43(732)2457-39
email: hotel(at)studentenwerk.at 

Double room: 49 € per night including breakfast.
Single room: 66 € per night including breakfast.

Students are encouraged to book double rooms as space is limited. 
Accomodations are not included in the conference fees. This site is for prebooking/reservation only. The hotel fees should be paid directly at the hotel.

Alternative hotel close to the university:

Harry's Home, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Other hotels located in city centre of Linz (Please reserve your room directly at the hotel):

Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Austria Trend Hotel Schillerpark, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Getting to the Conference

Tram (LinzAG)
From Linz Train Station, either take a cab (~25 €) 
or tram line 1/2 to direction Universität, exit at final tram stop Universität
http://www.linzag.at/, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster 

Click here for a direct link to the Tram Route Map:
Tram Route Map, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Hotel Tram stops:
Universität for Sommerhotel Julius-Raab-Heim
Hauptplatz for Hotel Wolfinger
Universität for Harry's Home
Bürgerstraße for Hotel Schillerpark 

Train (OEBB / Westbahn)
For train connections, see: 
http://www.oebb.at, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster
http://www.westbahn.at, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

From Linz Airport (Linz-Hörsching), either take a cab (~58 €) or a shuttle share cab.
A person with a "Linz Winter Workshop" sign will be visible during rush arrival times from Friday afternoon through evening and on Saturday morning. 

Conference Sponsors