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Meet the JKU BUS.

Fast Trader or Fair Trader? Regional or International? The answer is AND. New times call for new strategies and new answers to questions arising from digitalization and internationalization.

The JKU Business School is committed to research, education and business practices by adhering to the following core values and encouraging its close peer groups - including students, alumni and partner organizations - to pursue the same values. By following and supporting these core values, the JKU Business School is creating a unique mindset within the JKU to drive the school and its partners forward.

Bold and Entrepreneurial.

Firmly anchored in the region, JKU Business School is an academic hub with an international focus. We not only teach our students to be responsibly and entrepreneurially minded, we also prepare them to face key challenges of our times: Digital transformation and sustainability.

Curiosity-driven and Research-led

Each of the JKU Business School’s three divisions (Finance & Accounting, Management & Marketing, and Supply Chain & Information Management) include high-profile researchers working at the forefront of their respective subject areas as a driving force behind a new-knowledge generation. When it comes to successful knowledge transfer, our faculty members’ insight and expertise serves as a solid foundation, both in the classroom and when it comes to real-world business practices.

Connected and Impactful

Our broad-based academic degree programs provide students with insight as to how different topics interlink, resulting in a stronger understanding of companies on a whole. Our graduates possess highly valued skills and the ability to think outside of the box, and quickly become socially responsible managers and leaders of the future.

Supportive and Collegial

Our students benefit from the Business School's supportive, work-friendly and diversity-rich environment. Be it a small study group or individual interaction, students enjoy both formal and informal opportunities to interact with attentive, high-profile scholars and researchers.


Business Education Alliance Member und EFMD Global Member Logo

JKU Business School


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
4040 Linz


Management Center
2nd Floor, Room 210 B

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9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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+43 732 2468 3070

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News & Events

News 27.08.2024

ISM member Associate Editor at Industry & Innovation


ISM member Georg Reischauer will be taking on the role of Associate Editor at Industry and Innovation (VHB Ranking 2024: B). Interdisciplinary in nature, Industry and Innovation builds on and contributes to advancing the theoretical frontier within economics, management, and organizational studies. The journal is committed to nurturing the community of scholars by promoting intellectual curiosity, boundary-spanning ideas and academic rigour; by contributing to both emerging and ongoing debates and sketching promising avenues in future research; as well as by providing high-quality, insightful, and timely reviews.

A particular relevant scope of Industry and Innovation are focus themes that the editorial board believes to hold considerable opportunities for future research. The focus themes are meant to provide inspiration for potential authors to conduct work in these areas and to encourage them to submit their research.

The themes are the following (more information here: https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2023.2284934)

- Innovation in the green transition

- Innovation in the digital era

- Innovation, corporate responsibility, and social-value creation

Given that these themes are fully in line with JKU's university-wide research priorities "Digital Transformation" and "Sustainable Development: Responsible Technologies & Management", Georg's role will contribute to JKU's expertise and reputation in these domains.

News 19.08.2024

Joint circular economy research project launched with St. Gallen University!

As a possible response to the challenges of the climate crisis, various circular economy initiatives are currently emerging in many parts of the business world. In most cases, these projects are driven bottom-up by the personal commitment of individual ‘champions’ who are passionate about the topic. However, it is not uncommon for such projects to fail due to a lack of support from top management. 

What happens if we reverse this pattern and ensure the support of top management? This is what we at the Institute for Strategic Management, together with the Competence Centre for Circular Economy at the Institute of Business Administration at the University of St. Gallen and the Linz Center of Mechatronics, want to investigate. We will accompany top managers and sustainability specialists from various companies from the DACH region (including BASF, Erwin Hymer, Siemens, Swiss Prime Site, Zumtobel Group) as they explore and define current and future challenges in the field of the circular economy and develop joint solutions!

The kick-off in picturesque St. Gallen was already a complete success: exciting discussions, gripping presentations and the formulation of initial goals!

We (Prof.in Regina Gattringer, Fabio Damm) would like to thank the team of the Competence Centre for Circular Economy (Prof.in Karoline Frankenberger, Dr. Fabian Takacs, Mag.a Anna-Sophia Burch), the Linz Center of Mechatronics (Dr. Johannes Klinglmayr) and the top managers of the companies for the successful kick-off. We are already looking forward to the further course of the project!


[Translate to Englisch:] Circular Economy Projekt St. Gallen
News 31.07.2024

Contributions to Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago

The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management the premier conference for nearly 10,000 students, academics, and practitioners interested in examining management and organizations. This years’ meeting invited submissions examining the nexus of innovation, policy, and purpose in order to advance more open ways of leading, managing, and organizing. The ISM team contributes to this conference alongside its research foci.

AOM Konferenz
News 16.07.2024

Final presentations of the master's seminar "Interdisciplinary Business Project"

We congratulate our Master's students for their professional final presentations, with which they were able to convince our company partners in the seminar "Interdisciplinary Business Project".

This semester, our students worked especially on AI tools (for foresight, innovation management, decision-making and in the B2B Buying Center), scenarios for industrial automation and market validation in radical innovation processes.

Four cooperation partners (voestalpine Steel Division, Fronius International, Greiner AG and KEBA AG) provided the students with these interesting topics and supported them together with the JKU supervisors on the path from concept development to the final presentation. The seminar was once again held as a joint collaboration project between four JKU institutes (Institute for Retailing, Sales and Marketing, Institute of Strategic Management, Institute of International Management and the Institute of Leadership and Change Management).

After the intensive weeks, we finally enjoyed a tour through the Freistädter brewery and a dinner together.

We are very proud of the great work of our students and are already looking forward to the next semester!

„When faced with numerous crises and challenges, organizations will need to adopt new approaches and expertise in an effort to survive and succeed in a global marketplace. When it comes to taking a comprehensive approach that includes digitalization, an international focus and ethics, the JKU Business School is at the forefront in its areas of research, its academic programs, and supporting real-world practices.“
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Koch
Rector, JKU Linz
Rektor Stefan Koch