Event Archive.


Research Seminar at the Institute of Applied Statistics

Günter Pilz, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz: Statistik ist ein Segen für die Menschheit

JKU Linz, Science Park 2, ZG 0074

Breakfast Briefing

Introduction to cutting-edge research currently being conducted at the JKU.

OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

30 years of special business administration "Controlling"

On 24 October 2019, we celebrated 30 years of controlling.

Uni-Center (über Mensa)
[Translate to Englisch:]

Research Seminar 

Helmut Rainer (ifo Institute Munich)
"Caught between Cultures: Unintended Consequences of Improving Opportunity for Immigrant Girls"

K 127 A

Opening of the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab

The LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab cordially invites everyone to our official opening – providing a program with exciting lectures and small live…

OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

Opening of the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab.

The LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab cordially invites everyone to our official opening – providing a program with exciting lectures and small live…

OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz

Research Seminar 

Mario Pagliero (Collegio Carlo Alberto/Torino)
"Competition and Pass-Through: Evidence from Isolated Markets"

K 127 A

Research Seminar at the Institute of Applied Statistics

Leonardo Grilli, University of Florence: Multiple imputation and selection of predictors in multilevel models for analys­ing the relationship between…

JKU Linz, Science Park 2, ZG 0074

Research Seminar at the Institute of Applied Statistics

Martin Wolfsegger, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.: Some likely useful thoughts on prescription drug-use-related software support­ing personalized…

JKU Linz, Science Park 2, ZG 0074