Event Archive.

JKU Corona Update Eventbild 03.04.2020

JKU Corona Update Live on April 3, 2020

The Coronavirus Update on April 3 is about the automatic tracking of contacts by an app like the Red Cross app.

Live Videostream auf Youtube
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JKU Corona Update Live on April 2, 2020

The Coronavirus update on April 2 features Lung specialist Primary Doz. Bernd Lamprecht.

Live Videostream auf Youtube
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FWF Information Session


OIC Stufenforum, LIT Open Innovation Center, ground floor JKU, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz
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LIT Lectures 11 March 2020 


LIT Open Innovation Center
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Economics Research Seminar 

Regina Seibel (University of Zurich)
"Start-up acquisitions and innovation strategies"

K 127 A
Experimental set-up

FWF-Project Presentation "Model updating of coupled hydraulic-mechanical systems".

The project presentation of the FWF project P 32494-NBL entitled "Model updating of coupled hydraulic-mechanical systems" will take place on Tuesday,…

Science Park 1, MT 121
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Economics Research Seminar 


Sebastian Krautheim (University of Passau)
"International Trade, Global Sourcing and the Geography of Social Activism"

K 127 A
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LIT Lectures 29 January 2020

Thinking cars, subways on computer chips, atoms’ fingerprints – if you want to know, what JKU research is all about, you are cordially invited to join…

LIT Open Innovation Center

Research Seminar at the Institute of Applied Statistics

Peter Filzmoser, Technische Universität Wien: Robust and sparse k-means clustering in high dimension

JKU Linz, Science Park 2, ZG 0074