
Marcel Steller; Credit: privat

Introducing New Professors at the JKU

Prof. Dr. Marcel Steller is a professor, researcher, and scholar at the JKU’s Institute of Management Accounting and Auditing.

Professor Richard Küng

Richard Küng Becomes a Member of the Young Academy of Sciences

Univ. Prof. Richard Küng (Institute for Integrated Circuits) has been inducted into the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Neuweg; photo credit: personal

Study Yields a Critical Evaluation of Grading at Secondary I Schools

The Johannes Kepler University Linz took part in a new study that draws a somewhat critical conclusion.


Solar-operated drone; photo credit: JKU

Research at the JKU: Solar-Powered Drones Support Sustainable Aviation

Unveiled: Solar cells 20 times thinner than a strand of human hair.

Prof. Hochreiter

Sepp Hochreiter is Elected to the Austrian Academy of Sciences

AI expert Prof. Sepp Hochreiter has been elected as a corresponding member to the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Helm; photo credit: JKU

The "New Secondary School" 10 Years On: Have School Reforms had an Impact?

A study by the JKU and the University of Innsbruck investigated some of the reform's impacts.

Markus Sinnl

Introducing New Professors at the JKU

Univ. Prof. Markus Sinnl conducts research and holds classes at the JKU’s Institute of Production and Logistics Management.

JKU Astros; Credit: Lukas Zottl

The JKU Astros: American Football in Linz on April 19

As part of a home game, the JKU Astros football team intends to give the Med Uni Vienna a run for their money.

Impressions from the presentation; photo credit: JKU

Radiology and Anatomy - Past, Present, and Future

The presentation "Radiology and Anatomy - Past, Present, and the Future" at the JKU's medSPACE took the audience on a journey through the history of…