
Professor Franz Fellner; Credit: JKU

Franz Fellner Joins the American Association for Anatomy

Prof. Dr. Franz Fellner was accepted as a member of the renowned American Association for Anatomy.

Professor Ernst Langthaler; Credit: privat

A JKU Historian Explains Why Tractors Are Blocking the Roads

Ernst Langthaler contributed to an article on the historical background behind the current European farmers' protests.

F.l.: Patricia Stark, Laura Thäter, Thomas Gegenhuber, Eleni Priglinger, Stephan Pühringer, Stefan Koch; photo credit: JKU

LIFT_C: A New JKU Hub to Support Interdisciplinary Research on Transformative Processes

Climate change, demographic shifts, artificial intelligence: Our society is undergoing rapid change.

Prof. Reichl's presentation to the EU Parliament

JKU Scholar Presents Research at the EU Parliament

Prof. Johannes Reichl recently presented his findings to the European Parliament.

von links: Mahdi Saeedipour, Alberta Bonanni; Credit: JKU

Mahdi Saeedipour Presented with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented Dr. Mahdi Saeedipour with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

Meeting student representatives in Salamanca

A JKU Delegation Visited the University of Salamanca as Part of the EC2U Program

A three-day visit to the University of Salamanca marked an important milestone in the JKU's integration into the EC2U alliance.

Professor Günther Springholz; photo credit: JKU/Robl

JKU Samples Transported in a Vacuum Case: An International Project Uncovers a New Type of Magnetism

A needle points north: While magnetic forces are a long-standing phenomenon, they still manage to surprise us.

femMED Café; photo credit: JKU

Exciting Prospects for FemMED World Café!

Launched in 2022, the "FemMED" initiative aims to promote and raise the profile of female researchers at the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine

F.l.: upper row: Otis Pioche-Dutheil (UP), Emilie Lana (GC), Diogo Gonçalves (UC), Alberto Forte (UNIPV), Filipe RochA (UC) , Rainer Palmstorfer (JKU WP7), Stefan Koch (Rector), Georg Krammer (JKU WP8), Alberta Bonanni (Vice-Rector), Alexander Freischlager (JKU-WP2), Stefan Pawel (JKU WP3), Liisa Järvinen (UTU) , Sophia-Marie Meyer (FSE), Christine Hinterleitner (JKU WP2), Ema Nau (GC), Andrea Steiner-Cardell (JKU-LC). untere Reihe: Miriam López (USAL), Petra Muschitz (JKU WP9), Lana Ivanjek (JKU WP5), Alina, Manfred Heublein (JKU LC), Elena Clemente (UNIPV), Lassi Yli-Muilu (UTU), Maria Buchmayr (JKU WP6), Adriana Estrada (JKU LC), Gregor Pechmann (JKU UniComm), Flora Dausque (UP). Abbrievations: GC: Global Coordination Team UC: University of Coimbra, Portugal USAL: University of Salamanca, Spain UP: University of Poitiers, France FSE: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany UNIPV: University of Pavia, Italy UAIC: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania UTU: University of Turku, Finland;; phot credit: JKU

Productive EC2U Alliance Meeting at the JKU

The local coordinators convened at the JKU to share ideas.