Research News.

The Christian Doppler Laboratory CDL-n-phase team; Photo credit: JKU

A Successful Five-Year Evaluation for the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscale Phase Transformation

There was a particularly special emphasis on the research findings and team performance.

Professor Armando Rastelli

Quantum Science in Austria Takes Off

The launch of the excellence initiative, Quantum Science Austria, featuring JKU involvement.

The 4D-NMR Project

JKU Researcher Leads International Nano Research Project

When it comes to addressing various global challenges ranging from healthcare, energy, and the environment, to information technologies,…

Professor Schöfberger

JKU Researcher Develops Electrode Catalyst for Air-Zinc Batteries

In order to accumulate renewable energy and access it when needed, a considerable amount of electricity storage is needed. Prof. Schöfberger is…

Professor Christoph Teller

JKU Study: Inflation Continues to Control Consumer Behavior

According to Statistics Austria, inflation dropped in March, but consumers have not yet responded accordingly.


JKU Research: Current SARS-CoV-2 Variants Attach Faster, Longer, and Stronger

Delta and Omicron, the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, have spike-like projections that attach themselves to human cells faster, longer, and stronger.