1st Fistball University Match in Arnreit (Upper Austria)

First friendly match between two USI fistball teams

USI Co-Ed Fistball

The first friendly match in years between two co-ed university teams took place on Saturday, July 1, as part of the Fistball Feld Bundesliga Final 3 event near Rohrbach (Upper Austria).

As a guest of Upper Austria, USI Innsbruck played against the JKU Linz USI.
USI Linz director Jean Andrioli, captain of Union Compact Freistadt, not only arranged this special match with the Innsbruck, he also played with his team in Arnreit.

It turned out to be an extremely exciting five-set match. The Linz team had 7 (!!) match points in the fourth set, leading 2:1 but unfortunately could not clinch the win.

After 90 minutes, USI Innsbruck won the match 3:2 (11:3, 11:13, 13:15, 15:14, 11:6). Both teams then watched Bundesliga final event (men's and women's teams) for two more days and agreed to a re-match during the coming academic year, perhaps next time in Innsbruck.