
Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn

Primar Dr. Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn Presented with a Venia Legendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented Kurosch Yazdi-Zorn with his venia legendi/habilitation certificate.

The State Innovation Awards ceremony with Professor Sepp Hochreiter

The Power Grid 4.0 Project Presented with a State Innovation Award

Together with start-up company enliteAI, the JKU and its AI pioneer, Sepp Hochreiter, were presented with the State Innovation Award in the “Verena”…

Professor Franz Fellner, Credit: JKU

New Chair for Virtual Morphology at the JKU Faculty of Medicine

Beginning November 1, Franz Fellner will be the Chair of Virtual Morphology at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

von links: Lindinger, Schickling, Florian Tursky, Johannes Fröhlich; Credit: Matthias Heisler

AI5production: Expertise to Support a Digital World

The JKU is working together with other universities to support local companies’ digitization efforts.

The Kepler Wind Orchestra

Gold for the Kepler Wind Orchestra

Music that is like gold to the ears: The JKU Wind Orchestra is proud to win gold.

The Sustainability Challenge

The Recycling Challenge: Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin!

Scan, take the quiz, and win! Turning the campus into a - sustainable - playground.

Gustav Pomberger at the RFT Awards ceremony; photo credit: Upper Austrian Gov’t

Gustav Pomberger Presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Gustav Pomberger was presented with the RFT OÖ Lifetime Achievement Award.

Data glasses

"X-Ray Vision" during Brain Surgery: An Advanced Neurosurgical Procedure Debuts at the Department of Neurosurgery.

The Department of Neurosurgery (NeuroMed Campus at the Kepler University Hospital) is currently testing new guided brain surgery technology.

The JKU Linz Astros

Basketball Home Game: The JKU Linz Astros Aim to Pull Out the MedUni Serpent’s Fangs

The JKU Linz Astros take on the MedUni Serpents from Vienna on November 24 as part of the Austrian College Sports League’s season opener.